Join the GYBN Delegation to SBSTTA-20 and SBI-1 in Montreal from April 23 to May 8!

We have some good news to share with you all: After several months of hard work by the GYBN Steering Committee we are very happy to inform you that we have secured some funding for a small group of youth from the Global South to join a GYBN delegation to the upcoming SBSTTA-20 and SBI-1 meeting in Montreal.
Depending on the final costs for travel and accommodations, we expect that four (4) places will be available. The delegation will join the negotiations in Montreal, Canada from April 23 to May 8 2016 in order to form a group of change agents for Biodiversity conservation.
The primary goals of this project is to provide young people from a wide variety of backgrounds that are working on Biodiversity issues and that are between 18 and 30 years old with an opportunity to speak up for their generation at SBSTTA-20 and SBI-1. By enabling them to play an active role in the CBD-process, we are aiming to build capacity among young people so that they can contribute to the implementation of the Convention and the achievement of the Aichi Biodiversity Targets. Knowledge and experience gained through this opportunity can then be brought back to their countries, communities and organizations.

Candidates must demonstrate outstanding commitment to Biodiversity issues in the past as well as a strong track record of voluntary activities in youth organizations and must possess at least a basic understanding of international negotiations. Experience with the CBD-process as well as relevant expertise and knowledge about the items on the agenda of SBSTTA-20 will be an asset.
Ideally, to ensure a good transfer of experience, the delegation should consist of two experienced members who have been to CBD-meetings before and two first-timers.
To join the delegation, please fill out this form until Sunday, March 20th at 23:59 Montreal-time (EDT/GMT -4).
Please note that due to our donors funding guidelines this opportunity is restricted to youth from the Global South.
If you are a young person from the Global North and you wish to participate in SBSTTA-20 and SBI-1, we are unfortunately not in a position to support your participation financially. However, GYBN is committed to enabling youth from both the South and the North to take part in CBD-meetings. All interested youth from the Global North are most welcome to get in touch with the GYBN focal points Melina Sakiyama ( and Christian Schwarzer ( and we can try to find other non-monetary ways to help.
Good luck for your application!
Your GYBN Steering Committee

I. What is SBSTTA? The Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice is one of the CBD’s two permanent subsidiary bodies and is meeting on an annual basis. SBSTTA's mandate is to provide: •   assessments on the status of biodiversity •   assessments on the efficiency of measures taken under the CBD •   advice on any question that the COP may direct at it •   identify new and emerging issues and decide whether these fall under the scope of the Convention or not. Although SBSTTA was originally conceived as purely scientific advisory body, with the expanding workload and scope of the CBD it has evolved into a platform for political negotiations that plays a crucial role in the preparation of COP. At the end of each SBSTTA session, delegates agree on so called SBSTTA-recommendation, which are suggestions for decisions to be adopted at COP. SBSTTA has met 19 times so far and adopted 201 recommendations for the COP. For more detailed information about SBSTTA, its mandate, proceedings and structure please check out:
II. What is SBI?
The creation of the CBD’s second permanent subsidiary body has only been recently agreed by parties at COP-12 in Pyeongchang in October 2014. The Subsidiary Body on Implementation (SBI) is the successor of the Ad-Hoc Open-ended Working Group on the Review of the Implementation (WGRI), which existed from 2004 to 2014 and met five times.
SBI’s mandate is:
•   to review the implementation of the convention
•   to provide advice on how the implementation of the CBD can be enhanced
•   to develop recommendations on how obstacles to the CBD’s implementation can be overcome
•   to develop recommendation on how mechanism, that support the CBD’s implementation, can be strengthened
•   to review progress towards the implementation of the CBD’s Strategic Plan 2011-2020
•   to prepare proposals on how the achievement of the Strategic Plan’s targets can be advanced
SBI is also responsible to provide advice on the implementation of the CBD’s protocols, namely the Cartagena Protocol and the Nagoya-Protocol. For more information about SBI, please visit:

III. Why is it important to participate in both SBSTTA and the COP? If you want to influence the process, it is of crucial importance that you start your advocacy work as early as possible!! By the time the COP convenes it is quite often already too late: At this point in time almost all decision have already been discussed in great detail, parties have exchanged opinions and text has been drafted on most issues. At this stage it is quite difficult to push for major changes in a negotiating texts and extremely hard if not impossible to introduce new issues or aspects. So the later you start your advocacy activities the smaller your chances that your voice will be heard and your perspective considered! SBSTTA and SBI are the platforms where all major COP decisions are being prepared by parties and where actual discussion are taking place, so this is really the point where you should be present and lobby for your issues! Furthermore, now - in the weeks before SBSTTA! - is the time when most parties are preparing their positions for SBSTTA, so if you can - get in touch with your country's respective CBD focal point or national delegation, set up a meeting and discuss your issues with her/him! You can find all contacts to national focal points here: (just click on the name of country)
IV. Rationale for Youth Participation at SBSTTA and SBI
Civil Society - including youth! - is being recognized as an official major group and important stakeholder of the CBD, so it is your explicit right to make your voice heard!!!
If any party to the CBD should hesitate to take youth serious, please make them aware of Decision XI/8 on "the engagement of other stakeholders and major groups" (, page 3) which officially recognizes the importance of youth participation in decision making process on all levels.
The paragraph on "children and youth" has been introduced by GYBN youth delegates at COP-11 in Hyderabad and was adopted by ALL parties without changes.
V. Logistics and Visa SBSTTA-20 is scheduled to take place from April 20 to 29 and SBI-1 will be convened between May 2 and 6. Both meetings will be taking place in Montreal, Canada. If you need a visa for Canada and if you are accredited for the meeting already, please get in touch with the CBD Secretariat at to receive a Visa Support Letter.
If you should face any problems during the visa application process or if your visa should get denied, please contact Melina and me and we will check how we can support you! VI. Coordination of GYBN Youth Delegates If you are planning to take part in SBSTTA-20 and/or SBI-1 as a youth delegate please fill out this form so that we can connect you with other youth representatives and coordinate our efforts. Thank you!
VII. Important Documents SBSTTA-20 Provisional Agenda:
Annotated Agenda:
Official Documents:
Official Documents:

Don't miss this opportunity! Join the GYBN delegation to SBSTTA-20 and SBI-1 and submit your application until Sunday, March 20th at 23:59 Montreal-time (EDT/GMT -4)!