Postponement of
The Global Youth Biodiversity Summit
To all Applicants for the Global Youth Biodiversity Summit,
We would like to express our sincere thanks to you for all the time and effort you have invested into your applications. We have received more than 1300 applications from all over the world and we are immensely grateful for this huge interest in our summit. Thank you so much!
As GYBN, your interest gives us hope and further evidence that young people all around the world are already taking impressive actions to preserve biodiversity and are ready to form a global youth biodiversity movement.
Unfortunately, unforeseeable external circumstances that are beyond GYBN’s control have arisen and after consultation and coordination with the conveners of the Summit, it was decided that a postponement of the summit is necessary in order to tackle these circumstances.
Therefore, we would like to inform you that the summit needs to be postponed.
We understand that this change will cause inconveniences for many, but the whole GYBN Team as well as all our hosts, the CBD Secretariat, partners and donors remain fully committed to support youth and the organization of the Summit. We are currently working to tackle the situation and as soon as we are able to confirm the new dates, we will send out an announcement and give you the opportunity to confirm your availability again.
All applications will remain valid, and we are committed to ensure that the roadmap of youth engagement in the Post 2020 Global Biodiversity Framework will remain effective and impactful.
As the GYBN team we will do our utmost to ensure that the objectives of our summit will be fulfilled and we count on all of you to help us to make this event an important moment to strengthen the global youth biodiversity movement.
We hope for your kind understanding and will keep you informed.
The GYBN Organizing Team
The goals of the Global Youth Biodiversity Summit hosted by GYBN are:

Bring together youth from around the world who are active in biodiversity

Consolidate young people for the post-2020 global biodiversity framework

Work together to create plans of action to strengthen the youth roadmap for this decade and beyond

Kick-start a youth-led implementation action plan for 2020-2030 to support the framework

Celebrate 10 years of youth engagement in the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and United Nations Decade on Biodiversity
GYBN hopes that this Youth Summit will help to further mobilize, empower and coordinate young people and youth organizations that are working for Biodiversity.
The Global Youth Biodiversity Network (GYBN) is an international network of 340 youth organizations, representing more than 680,000 youth from 145 countries whose common goal is to prevent the loss of biodiversity. GYBN represents the voice of global youth in the negotiations under the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), raises awareness among young people of the values of biodiversity, and connects individuals and youth organizations in order to build a global coalition to halt the loss of biodiversity.
As the official coordination platform for youth participation in the negotiations under the CBD, GYBN is committed to bringing the opinions and positions of young people into the political process, empowering young people to take action. Recognized and supported by the CBD Secretariat, GYBN seeks to inspire global youth and future leaders to work for the sustainable use and conservation of biodiversity for a healthy environment and society.
GYBN was created as the result of an international initiative by young people who participated in CBD COP10 in 2010, and was officially established in 2012.
The network is coordinated by an international steering committee and is entirely run by young people for young people.