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CBD COP14 - GYBN Closing Statement

GYBN closing statement at the CBD #EgyptCOP14 proposed to include multi-generational dialogue sessions within National and Regional Consultations for Post-2020 and to ensure full and effective participation of indigenous peoples and local communities, woman and youth. This process should also be guided by the principles of the Rio Declaration, especially with regards to participation and access to information.

We reminded parties of the crucial importance of having IPLCs on the negotiations table on a respectful dialogue based acknowledging human rights and the rights of Indigenous Peoples. Also, that Free Prior and Informed Consent is not only a fundamental principle but also a requirement to fulfill the 3 objectives of the Convention.

Finally, we expressed our concern about the lack of attention on the implementation of the current Strategic Plan and its Aichi Targets. There is still a lot that can be achieved in 2 years if there is ambition and will. We stand ready to work on this!.


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