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Call for Applications - Youth at CBD COP-12

In partnership with the Korean Council for Biological Diversity (KCBD), GYBN has applied for funding to support youth participation at COP-12: GLOBAL YOUTH @ COP-12, Pyeongchang

We are planning to select and organize an international youth delegation to join COP-12 in Pyeongchang, South Korea from October 2-19, 2014 in order to form a group of change agents for biodiversity conservation.

The primary goals of this project is to provide young people from a wide variety of backgrounds that are working on Biodiversity issues and that are between 18 and 30 years old with an opportunity to speak up for their generation at COP-12. By enabling them to play an active role in the CBD-process, we are aiming to build capacity among young people so that they can contribute to the implementation of the Convention and the achievement of the Aichi Targets. Knowledge and experience gained through this opportunity can then be brought back to their countries, communities and organizations. Candidates must demonstrate outstanding commitment to Biodiversity issues in the past and must possess at least a basic understanding of international negotiations. Before COP-12, all participants of the international youth delegation will take part in a preparatory meeting in Pyeongchang where they will have the chance to network with other youth delegates, share information and experiences, improve their campaigning and lobbying skills as well as their knowledge regarding Biodiversity issues and the CBD-process with a particular focus on the procedures and issues at COP-12.

Funding has not been confirmed yet but we are in an advanced stage of the fundraising process. Due to the proximity to COP-12, we have decided to start the pre-selection of candidates prior to funding confirmation in order to ensure greater efficiency and maximize youth participation at COP-12.


1.) We would like to emphasize that we did NOT receive ANY funding yet. Please also note that we do NOT know when and how much funding will be available. It is possible that we will receive no or only very little funding. Our priority is to raise funding for as many youth delegates as possible to attend the COP (to cover travel, accommodation costs etc.). However, if funding should be very limited it is possible that we can only provide partial support for delegates.

2.) The exact duration of the conference, the number of participants as well as the number of scholarships for COP12-participation are subject to the availability of funding.

3.) Since we do not know how many youth delegates can be funded, all applications will be reviewed by the jury and applicants will then be ranked according to the score they achieved. All successful applicants will be put on a waiting list and funding will be distributed according to their position in the ranking. Final confirmations will be sent to all applicants as soon as we have received funding.


GLOBAL YOUTH @COP12/PYEONGCHANG: Dates: October 2nd to October 19th 2014 Venue: Pyeongchang, South Korea

Application form (fill it out online) here: Deadline for applications: August 15th 2014 at 23:59 UTC

Documents required: - Digital copy of CV - Digital copy of Passport

Send a pdf copy of your CV and the identification page of your passport to: obs: the title of your document should be LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME_CV.pdf and LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME_PASSPORT.pdf

Note: Applications received after this date will not be considered. Applications must be submitted in English, applications submitted in another language will not be considered.


We are fully committed to conduct the selection process as fair and transparent as possible.  We aim to have:

1. Equal representation of all world regions: Africa, Asia, North America, Latin America/ Caribbean, Europe and Oceania ensuring:

Balance between Global South and Global NorthGender BalanceRepresentatives of Indigenous Youth and other marginalized groups

2. Age: 18-30 years old as of 1st/Oct/2014 3. Availability to attend both the Preparatory & Strategy Meeting and COP12 from October 2 to October 19 2014. – mandatory 4. Command of English language 5. The applicants’ commitment and previous work on Biodiversity issues (most important criterion!) 6. The applicants’ level of experience and expertise 7. Membership with GYBN (as of 1 July 2014) – not mandatory but a big asset 8. Membership of the applicants’ organization with GYBN (as of 1 July 2014) – not mandatory but an additional asset 9. Previous commitment to GYBN  – not mandatory but a big asset


All members of the KCBD-GYBN Task Force are FULLY committed to do their utmost to bring as many youth delegates as possible to Pyeongchang. We will do whatever we can to convince potential donors to grant their support to this project. Please also note that all of us in the KCBD-GYBN Task Force are volunteers and are doing this whole project in our free time on top of other commitments like our studies or work. We do this because we strongly believe that young people should have a voice at COP-12. We hope for your understanding!

Finger’s crossed that we’ll get sufficient funding to give many youth delegates the chance to speak up for their generation at COP-12!

Good luck to all applicants!

The GYBN Steering Committee and the members of the KCBD-GYBN Task Force


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