Press Release for Youth Summit (5 and 6 December 2022)
Largest Youth Gathering in the History of CBD - Youth Summit
1 December 2022
COP 15: Global youth to hold Youth Summit ahead of final negotiations of new biodiversity framework
Youth Summit to take place 5-6 December in Montreal, Canada
Over 300 young people from around the world participate alongside ministers and dignitaries
Youth to organize, network, learn new skills, exchange knowledge, and share hopes and skills for COP15
As world leaders prepare to gather at COP 15, the UN Biodiversity Conference, global youth will hold a Youth Summit to drive momentum and build solidarity. The Youth Summit will take place 5 to 6 December at Grand Quai at the port of Montreal, Canada, and is expected to bring together over 300 young people from around the world.
The Youth Summit will also be attended by Mathieu Lacombe, Youth Minister of Québec, Valerie Plante, Mayor of Montreal, Elizabeth Mrema, Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity, Zhou Guomei, COP 15 President Representative for the opening of the Youth Summit on 5th December at 9:45 am to 10:45 am. On 6th December at 8:30 am, Welcome Benoit Charette, Minister of the Environment, Québec and a special high-level UN guest. We also have several representatives of indigenous peoples and local communities, and Canadian and international civil society organizations will be joining us.
The summit will provide an engaging forum for young people to organize, network, learn new skills, exchange knowledge, and share their hopes and concerns for COP 15, where leaders will negotiate and adopt a new global framework to guide biodiversity action through 2030. Interpretation will be available in French and Spanish.
The Youth Summit is organized and hosted by the Global Youth Biodiversity Network in collaboration with the Government of Quebec, the Government of Canada and the Secretariat of the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity as well with the generous support of various donors. Since 2010, the Global Youth Biodiversity Network (GYBN) has served as a platform where young people can participate and collaborate in the decision-making process. GYBN is officially recognized as the international coordination platform for youth participation in the Convention on Biodiversity.
Members of the media wanting to interview young people as part of the Youth Summit or COP 15 are invited to reach out to GYBN. GYBN Coordinators and other youth delegates with specialized knowledge are available for interviews and guest appearances.
The first day of the summit will focus on understanding COP 15, the triple planetary crisis and issues of critical importance for youth, while the second day will focus on specific topics and issues that will be negotiated at COP 15. Day 1 will include an opening plenary, an envisioning exercise, capacity-building workshops, presentations on transformative change, and a networking session. Day 2 will conclude the summit with various panel discussions, working groups, youth performances, and a closing session.
A dedicated webpage and a more detailed overview of activities planned for the Youth Summit are also available.
Quick links
Youth Summit webpage: https://www.gybn.org/youth-summit-2022
Youth Summit program
GYBN at COP 15 webpage: https://www.gybn.org/cop15
GYBN at COP 15 press release:
Twitter: @gybn_cbd
Facebook: Global Youth Biodiversity Network (GYBN)
LinkedIn: Global Youth Biodiversity Network
Instagram: @gybn_cbd
More information: Michelle Hahn-Baker,
Email: gybnteamcop15@gmail.com / hahn-baker.michelle@mail.mcgill.ca
Events Planned by GYBN
The Global Youth Biodiversity Network has planned several events that will take place during the whole duration of Open Ended Working Group 5 (OEWG5) and COP15. The goal of all these events is to mobilize youth, build capacity and to represent youth voices at these international platforms. Here is a list of all the events that GYBN is organizing:
Youth Summit (from 5–6 December 2022), to prepare youth for COP15.
Youth March (10 December 2022), to march for justice for biodiversity.
Youth Pavilion (8–18 December 2022), showcasing several events by youth and other partners.
Youth Day (8 & 18 December, 2022), showcasing several events that will celebrate youth and be a platform to put forth their views/concerns.
Youth Exhibition, highlighting the work done by all national chapters and GYBN members who have worked tirelessly for biodiversity conservation and youth engagement since 2012.
GYBN side events at COP15, stay tuned to get more information on the side events that GYBN will organize along with other partners.