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(CHIBA) - The Global Youth Biodiversity Network (GYBN) Japan Chapter is launching a series of national consultations aimed at gathering the inputs of young people from all around Japan into the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework. The national consultations scheduled to take place virtually from 10-11 April 2021 aim to mobilize the youth to represent their communities and influence the policymaking process of the post-2020 biodiversity framework by informing decision-makers and the broader civil society.
The consultations include exercises to help participants build their capacity to communicate their ideas and opinions. The meetings will result in a report summarizing the outcomes of the discussions, as well as a national GYBN Japan position paper that will be updated on a regular basis in the future in response to national consultation outcomes. Furthermore, the position paper will be distributed to other stakeholders and presented at upcoming forums such as the IUCN WCC and UNGA 76.
Contact: The Chapter Coordinator, JYBN
The consultation hopes to bring in youth from different regions of Japan and with different backgrounds all with the same goal of conserving Japan’s biodiversity and living in harmony with it. Japanese youth interested in participating in this meeting can register here: form
The goals of the GYBN Japan Capacity Building and Consultation for the Post 2020 Global Biodiversity Framework are to:
Build a deeper understanding of the biodiversity crisis, its drivers and consequences, as well as the past and current efforts to address it.
Empower young people to understand what can be done to address this crisis and how to choose their role in addressing it.
Collect initial views and perspectives from young people about their relationship with biodiversity and its future.
Mobilize the Japanese youth community to achieve coordinated youth action for the Post 2020 GBF and compiling a Japanese youth position statement.
About Japan Youth Biodiversity Network
Japan Youth Biodiversity Network puts biodiversity as a keyword and along with Japanese youths, we aim to implement a society where humans and nature coexist in harmony. Focusing on the three components, we are engaged in a variety of activities related to biodiversity; raising awareness, networking, and policy proposals. For more information about JYBN visit https://bd-wakamono.net/
Japan Youth Biodiversity Network (JYBN) Launches National Consultations for the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework
Uganda Youth Biodiversity Network (UYBN) Launches National Consultations for the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework

Uganda Youth Biodiversity Network (UYBN) Is organizing a youth consultation meeting on the updated Zero Draft of the Post 2020 Biodiversity Framework and Intergenerational Dialogue scheduled to happen from 18th-21st April 2021. The consultation is open to all Ugandan youth citizens Registration Deadline will be 6th April 2021. This consultation aims at introducing youth to the Updated Zero Draft Post 2020 Global Biodiversity Framework and action planning on the road to CBD COP 15 and beyond. Registration for the in-person consultation of interested Ugandan youths can be done here LINK.
“I expect that the Youths can explore the whole updated zero Draft Post 2020 Global Biodiversity Framework , share gaps and opportunities as this will support the Final Output of the Framework and after the consultation we shall work with all stakeholders to ensure its implemented, targets and goals achieved.” said Derrick Mugisha, UYBN National Coordinator UYBN aims to ensure that youths’ voices and ideas are incorporated in the consultation process on the Zero draft and will be able to raise the achievable ambition of the youth biodiversity framework. We absolutely believe that young people can make a difference if given an opportunity or right to participate in policy processes that shape their future.
Objectives of the Consultation.
1.Build a deeper understanding of the biodiversity crisis, its drivers and consequences, as well as the past and current efforts to address it.
2.Empower young people to understand what can be done to address this crisis and how to choose their role in addressing it.
3.Collect initial views and perspectives from young people about their relationship with biodiversity and its future.
4.Mobilize the Uganda youth community to achieve coordinated youth action for the Post - 2020 GBF and compiling an Uganda youth position statement.
Expected outcomes
a. Youth position paper for consideration through submission to national government, the African Negotiation group for post-2020 Global Biodiversity framework, and youth interventions for CBD COP 15.
b. Youth-inclusive implementation action plan.
c. Empowered and informed youth on Post-2020 and their role in implementation.
d. Intergenerational dialogue recommendations on collaborative biodiversity conservation in Uganda be put to implementation
“UYBN is fully committed to empowering youth voices and ideas in the UN CBD processes like the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework and action planning towards the conservation of biological diversity. The youth are hopeful that their opinions and efforts will help frame the designed goals and ambitions for the Post 2020 Global Biodiversity Framework”, said Natukunda Irene Kananura, Chapter Operations Coordinator.
## About UYBN Uganda Youth Biodiversity Network is group of young inspiring people who create positive impact at National and Sub-National levels, a network of youth organizations and individuals with a common goal to prevent the loss of biodiversity For more information visit https://gybnweb.wixsite.com/ugand
Kenyan Youth Biodiversity Network Consultation Meetings on Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework and Intergenerational Dialogue

The Kenyan chapter of the Global Youth Biodiversity is strongly committed to the inclusion of youth voices and the youth agenda in the UN CBD processes, including the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework. As young people who have a key interest in the conservation of biological diversity, we yearn for goals that will push more for and include on-ground participation of youthful innovations and intergenerational dialogues on solutions to the challenges facing our biodiversity.
On April 5th, 2021, the Kenyan Youth Biodiversity Network (KYBN) will hold a virtual consultation meeting aimed at introducing youth to the Post-2020 global biodiversity framework and the road to CBD CoP 15. Registration for the online consultation is open to all young Kenyans and is done here by 31st March 2021.
The online meeting will be followed by an in-person consultation meeting that will focus on the Zero draft of the Post-2020 global biodiversity framework, action-planning, and an intergenerational dialogue. The in-person event will be held from the 16th to 19th of April 2021 in Kisumu, Kenya. Registration for the in-person event will be by invitation only.
The Kenyan Youth Biodiversity Network seeks to ensure that youth voices are incorporated in the consultation process on the draft and raise the achievable ambition of the framework. We strongly believe that young people have the right to participate in policy processes that shape their future. The Post-2020 global biodiversity framework is a new action plan to replace the Aichi targets. It details what countries need to do, individually and collectively, in the next decade and beyond, to set humanity on course for achieving the CBD’s overall vision of “living in harmony with nature” by 2050.
In the build up to the 2020-2021 super years for biodiversity, KYBN has conducted consultation meetings in 5 of the 8 major regions in Kenya (Nairobi, Rift Valley, Western, Coast, and Central Provinces), directly engaging over 200 young people and reaching over 5000 more through our online platforms. Youth inputs from those forums, together with the upcoming meetings, will be condensed into a national youth position paper, which will be submitted to relevant stakeholders, including the Global Youth Biodiversity Network and the Ministry of Environment and Forestry. Read the 2020 consultation report here.
Expected outcomes
a. Youth position paper for consideration through submission to national government, the African Negotiation group for post-2020 global Biodiversity framework, and youth interventions for CBD COP 15.
b. Youth-inclusive implementation action plan.
c. Empowered and informed youth on the post-2020 process and their role in implementation.
d. Intergenerational agreement on collaborative biodiversity conservation in Kenya.
“The scheduled meeting will mark the apex of several grassroot consultations that we have held since 2019. We hope that the Post-2020 global biodiversity framework will prioritize the interests of young people particularly on meaningful engagement during implementation. We urge young people to take advantage of this opportunity to fully express their desires and help shape an ambitious but achievable policy framework. We are looking forward to working closely with policymakers at local, national, and international level to achieve the provisions of the next CBD framework,”- Kevin Lunzalu, National Coordinator, KYBN
“At KYBN, we believe in the power of bottom-up policy formulation, which is why our consultations are always held at community level. The upcoming consultation meeting will engage more local and indigenous youth in a region we have not been before, to ensure additional and diverse youth voices are captured in our national policy brief”- Jackim Otete, Grassroots Coordinator, KYBN.
The Kenyan Youth Biodiversity Network is a national network of youth and youth-led organizations working together to prevent further loss of biodiversity and mitigate climate change through youth empowerment. We are a chapter of the Global Youth Biodiversity Network, registered and operating within the laws of the Republic of Kenya. Please visit our website for more information.