GYBN Side Events at CBD COP15
1. Environment, Peace and Conflict
Partners: GYBN, Peace Nexus
Room: GYBN Youth Pavilion
Venue: Montréal Convention Centre (Palais des congrès de Montréal)
Time: 10:00 to 10:45 Montreal time
Date: 09 December 2022
In this open session that is happening at the youth pavilion at 10.00 am, we want to shed light on what the junction of biodiversity conservation, conflict and peace looks like for young people to unpack the realities that young people active in this field live through. So that we can put this issue on the agenda of policymakers and the CBD, because if we take these aspects into account, we can more effectively implement the goals and objectives of the Framework.
2. Beyond 30 by 30: Alternative perspectives on area-based conservation for ambitious implementation
Room: Amazon 511AD
Venue: Montréal Convention Centre (Palais des congrès de Montréal)
Time: 13:15 to 14:45 Montreal time
Date: 10 December 2022
CBD COP15 will determine a new set of policies for what has been an anti-climatic run for the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF). Area-based conservation efforts, such as Protected Areas (PAs), have been at the center for years. Human rights violations in PAs reflect its downfalls in effectively addressing ecological and management crises. Area-based conservation has mostly focused on the quantitative aspects such as 30X30 with no attention to the qualitative approaches. Many questions as to how 30X30 will be implemented in order to effectively transform and turn the tables for biodiversity and Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (IPLCs) remain unanswered.
This Side Event is being organized to explore these questions and to present the outcomes of a multi-stakeholder workshop organized by GYBN and UNESCO in March 2022 as well as the results of a youth consultation and capacity-building training on area-based conservation.
The side event will discuss current gaps in the GBF and challenges for a numeric target to deliver on quality goals, as well as existing practices and frameworks that could support the implementation of the ABC target. Critical discussions and dialogues with stakeholders (Governments, NGOs, IPLC, women and youth), exchanges of successful stories, and crucial findings from the Youth Position Paper will also be presented during the session. The summary and results from the side event will be shared with a wider community on the importance and need to integrate a rights-based approach to area-based conservation to make its implementation a successful process.
Partners: GYBN, IUCN CEEC, Children and Nature Network
Place: Youth Pavilion
Venue: Montréal Convention Centre (Palais des congrès de Montréal)
Time: 16:15 to 17:45 Montreal time
Date: 11 December 2022
Transformative Education is one of Youth's main priorities, which has repeatedly come up in all the youth consultations that GYBN has organized. This side event will dive deeper into this critical topic through a panel discussion to understand how transformative education can be more visible in the CBD and how different stakeholders can work towards achieving this priority. Join us for a very interesting discussion on a key topic to understand the various nuances!
4. How positive is Nature Positive?
Partner: GYBN
Place: Nature Positive Pavilion
Venue: Montréal Convention Centre (Palais des congrès de Montréal)
Time: 12:00 to 13:00 Montreal time
Date: 13 December 2022
It will be a roundtable discussion followed by Q&A and will be a space to discuss the concerns that youth have regarding the misinterpretation of the term 'nature positive' and its potential to be used for greenwashing. The concerns and effectiveness of the nature positive solution/concept to address the current biodiversity crisis will also be discussed. Given that this concept is relatively new, the youth and civil society groups have not had a chance to actively engage in the conversation that lead to the creation of this narrative. The youth, therefore, would like to have a space where constructive dialogue can occur and a space where all these key concerns would be addressed.
5. Kick-off implementation of the GBF with youth! The next big step to truly transform our future
Partner: GYBN
Room: Jinsha 513B
Venue: Montréal Convention Centre (Palais des congrès de Montréal)
Time: 13:15 to 14:45 Montreal time
Date: 18 December 2022
Entering a new decade on the shaky foundations of an ecological crisis, comes at the back of the failed Aichi targets. None of the 20 targets have been achieved, and 13 show no progress or are moving away from the goal. The goals were ambitious but the lack of a fair, just and proper implementation process was where the targets completely missed their mark, leaving future generations extremely vulnerable to degrading ecosystems and handing them a world they had no role in creating.
The perfect blend of ambitious targets and effective implementation is what the world needs. So far, youth have been overlooked in the Aichi targets and CBD Strategic plans, but as GYBN has been demonstrating for the past 12 years, youth can be and are key players whose support can help achieve the ambitious targets that the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) would set. This GYBN side event will bring together key decision-makers, government officials and youth to identify ways to build and enhance an intergenerational partnership to ensure that there is no repeat of the staggering failure we witnessed. It will also be a space to reflect on what went wrong and the way forward.
GYBN’s work that has helped the implementation process so far would also be presented and discussed along with key publications. A report and recommendations on effective implementation of Post 2020-GBF with youth having a concrete role in helping its just and fair implementation would be developed (based on the outcomes of this event). Furthermore, young people will present voluntary commitments and projects to support the implementation of Post-2020 GBF. Finally, GYBN will also presents it’s 2023-2025 action plan.
Events Planned by GYBN
The Global Youth Biodiversity Network has planned several events that will take place during the whole duration of Open Ended Working Group 5 (OEWG5) and COP15. The goal of all these events is to mobilize youth, build capacity and to represent youth voices at these international platforms. Here is a list of all the events that GYBN is organizing:
Youth Summit (from 5–6 December 2022), to prepare youth for COP15.
Youth March (10 December 2022), to march for justice for biodiversity.
Youth Pavilion (8–18 December 2022), showcasing several events by youth and other partners.
Youth Day (8 & 18 December, 2022), showcasing several events that will celebrate youth and be a platform to put forth their views/concerns.
Youth Exhibition, highlighting the work done by all national chapters and GYBN members who have worked tirelessly for biodiversity conservation and youth engagement since 2012.
GYBN side events at COP15, stay tuned to get more information on the side events that GYBN will organize along with other partners.