This year and the next will be important years for the future of life on Earth. All the governments of the world will come together to negotiate under the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) to agree on a Global Biodiversity Framework that will provide political commitments and guidelines to galvanize action for biodiversity from everyone.
Through the actions in this Roadmap, GYBN is empowering youth and aiming to bring their voices and priorities to relevant decision-making processes that address biodiversity, fulfilling its role as the youth constituency to the CBD.

Space for short title here
GYBN is coordinating a youth consultative process for the Post 2020 GBF both online (online survey and virtual consultations), and in-person (National and international consultation events) in order to gather perspectives and priorities of young people on biodiversity and its future.

Biodiversity is the web of life, biodiversity is the solution
(Space for timeline here - not this one, the roadmap one Melina is creating)

GYBN is calling on all young people
Let's bring your voices, hearts and actions together in a global movement to push world leaders to raise up their commitments and actions to make an equitable and sustainable future, real!
Share your ideas
Advocate for your priorities
Understand deeper & empathize
Mobilize & get active
Check it out xxxxxx

GYBN’s Roadmap for Youth Engagement in the Post 2020 Global Biodiversity Framework
(other banner options... the one used above is better cos here, the survey takes more attention)

Praesent aliquet finibus est. Curabitur mattis metus odio, vel dignissim massa gravida quis. Etiam a ipsum ac nulla tempor dictum quis in sem. Praesent a ex id mi vulputate mattis. In ut accumsan mi. Nunc eleifend mauris lectus, a accumsan urna ultricies luctus. Integer lacinia quis nibh ut aliquet. Nulla placerat malesuada leo.
Curabitur tellus neque, imperdiet nec lacus sed, congue cursus orci. Curabitur nunc diam, maximus ac justo et, cursus pharetra velit. Fusce malesuada maximus faucibus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Mauris in sem lectus. Nunc efficitur dolor non lorem ultricies, ac convallis nibh dictum.
Aliquam malesuada neque nulla, id lobortis purus dictum sit amet.

Our seed spread around the world

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@gybn_cbd #IamGYBN

GYBN is calling on all young people to rally for biodiversity!
Let's bring your voices, hearts and actions together in a global movement to push world leaders to raise up their commitments and actions to make an equitable and sustainable future, real!
Speak up

GYBN is calling on all young people
Let's bring your voices, hearts and actions together in a global movement to push world leaders to raise up their commitments and actions to make an equitable and sustainable future, real!
Share your ideas
Advocate for your priorities
Understand deeper & empathize
Mobilize & get active

Second online capacity-building training
"Our generation has seen many of the promises of the Millennium Development Goals, the Aichi Biodiversity Targets, and the Kyoto Protocol fail.​"